Equipment Sales, Expert Training & Technical Support
ATS offers a full line-up of great leak location equipment to meet your exact needs. Ultrasonic Leak Detection Equipment, Utility and Metal Location Equipment, CCTV Pipe Inspection Equipment
Ultrasonic Leak Detection Equipment
S-30 Leak Surveyor

The "Ultimate" in performance for Leak Detection in all conditions. Also has excellent ground miking capabilities. Allows for easy comparison of noise levels at neighboring access points. Comfortable to use for hours at a time.
FCS Touch Pro

Leak noise correlation is the most effective method of pinpointing leaks in buried pipelines. Once leakage has been localized to a particular area of the network, the correlator enables the operator to identify precisely where the leak is located along the pipe. In most cases the leak can then be confirmed audibly prior to excavation and repair.
The Touch Pro from FCS represents a breakthrough in leak detection technology. It features improvements throughout the leak noise processing path to provide improved performance; especially in the most difficult leak detection situations. This enables it to give the best performance in traditionally difficult conditions, such as on plastic and large diameter pipes.
FCS PERMALOG+ Leak Localization and Correlation System

Permalog® enables water suppliers to quickly and efficiently locate leaks in the water network. Loggers are deployed in areas of the distribution system to provide continuous monitoring of leakage. Easily installed on pipe fittings, they are retained in place by a strong magnet and are powered by low cost replaceable batteries.
As soon as a potential leak is detected, the Permalog® unit enters an alarm state and transmits a radio signal to indicate a "LEAK" condition.
Utility and Metal Location Equipment
Schonstedt GA-92XTd Ferromagnetic Locator

Portable & easy to use
Extends for great accuracy; retracts for easy carrying and storage
Fingertip control of volume and sensitivity
Quick change battery compartment
One hand operation makes finding faster, providing both audio and visual indication of ferrous objects up to 16 feet underground. So go ahead, make your move to the Schonstedt GA-92XTd.
You’re a highly trained, experienced professional but carrying heavy tools is still part of the job. When you have your hands full on the job site, carry the XTd on your hip. With one hand, you can detect the magnetic fields of all ferromagnetic objects manholes, B-Boxes, valve boxes, cast iron pipes, property markers, septic tanks, well casings, steel drums, and much more.
New RD-7200 Series Digital High Performance Utility Location Systems

The RD7200 kit has a simple design that delivers a quick superior locate everytime. Each unit contains the most advanced antenna's and software while still maintaining a very easy operation. With the new 'Guidance Mode' the locate process is completely automated. An upgrade from its RD7100 model predecessor, seven different industry specific models have combined into one beefed up RD7200 for locating all utilities. All of these features, and more, are packaged to give you a seriously capable locator.
Directional Compass
Self calibration check
Auto Depth and Current Measurement
8 active frequencies from 512Hz to 200kHz & Power, Radio & CPS frequencies
3 Year Warranty when registered
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RD-8200 Series Digital High Performance Utility Location Systems
The RD8200 is ergonomically designed delivering a lightweight, energy efficient and exceptionally well-balanced tool, which encourages extended use. The receiver and transmitter feature a large, high contrast, backlit LCD screen that provides the user with clear information in any light conditions. The intuitive interface is designed for ease of use.
The RD8200 includes new features such as Swing Warning System to drive correct usage, High performance audio system to allow operations in noisy environments, Vibration feedback system (haptics) to reduce the chance of missed warnings, Automatic logging system to influence on-site behavior & Bluetooth BLE technology to be ready for a connected world.
The RD8200 is Centros™ Enabled. Centros™, is a measurement engine based on more than 30 years of continuous product development. Centros™ combines new and innovative algorithms with established software on a high-performance processor core. Centros™ improves the accuracy and repeatability of measurements and delivers unprecedented responsiveness in the field.